
My Boss' Secret 10 (Modern AU! Rivaille x Reader)

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“Get back to work.” Rivaille spat out as he walked back into his office but not before stopping by to slap the back of Eren’s head. “Especially you, brat. Where’s that four thousand-word article that I told you to get done?”

The poor brunette trudged back to his desk with his eyes low and started up his computer. I feel like he needed the tissues more than I did.

Rivaille lingered around our desk area for a while longer as if he had more to say but sighed and turned to his office with his hands shoved in his pockets. Petra went back to her desk as well after she patted my shoulder and congratulated me on hooking in two guys.

The cheerful atmosphere of the office died down into our usual, dull work mode and I relaxed, taking the time to spin around a bit in my office chair. This morning’s events definitely wiped away all of my motivation to do any work.

Unconsciously, my fingers slid across my desk to play around with the neatly cut edge of the first card. There’s only one plausible candidate who could’ve written this message. However, no matter how much I think about it there’s no way he could’ve figured out where I worked. After all, we haven’t talked in years!

Tiny droplets of deep crimson blotted the corner of the card and it wasn’t until Eren cried out: “(Name) you’re bleeding!” that I realized the thin incision on my index finger. I blinked as I was unable to process what was happening but watching the pure white paper slowly soiled by red piqued my interest.

Worriedly, Petra flitted to my side and brought my hand up to inspect the wound.

“It looks pretty deep. Does anyone have a bandaid?” She looked at the others for help and her hand shook as they gingerly held mine.

“Sorry, I think we just ran out.”

“Oh? It’s fine then.” I stood up from my seat and Petra made a move to push me down again but I stopped her. “Don’t worry Petra, I’ll just go out and ask Sasha or something.” I reassured her and headed over to the reception desk with my injured hand stretched out in front of me.

“Wait, maybe Riva-“ Her voice became faint as I got farther away from our office.
I exhaled loudly in the empty hallway as I stretched my arms all the way out, careful not to accidentally touch anything with that bloody finger of mine.

Sasha was a hyperactive brunette who loves food as Rivaille wants to be the head of the janitorial department because come on, everyone knows that my dark-haired boss would rather be scrubbing toilets clean than sitting in front of a computer and earning nothing but back strains and finger cramps. I’ve known Sasha since my first year in college and we chose to apply for the same company by pure coincidence. I didn’t know until I saw her on my first day chatting away on the company phone.

“Hey Sasha!” I greeted as she waved back with half a sandwich stuck in her mouth. “Do you have a bandaid?” I asked as I held up my cut finger.

The color drained from her face and the sandwich plopped back into the container as it clattered on the counter from the sudden weight. She ran around and tugged my shirt to direct me to her chair.

“(Name)! You should’ve told me this earlier!” She chided as she pulled out a clear first aid kit. “Careful, this is going to hurt alright?”

I winced at the burning sensation as she swiped an alcohol wipe across the wound to disinfect it. A strip of beige was delicately stuck on the cut by Sasha’s careful fingers as her cheeks puffed out in concentration. The squeaks and giggles coming out of my mouth represented the laughter that I tried to hold back as I imagined the brunette as a chipmunk with an overly luscious ponytail.

“Okay, it’s safe from other hazards for now! You are safe to go, (Name)!” Sasha declared as she shooed me away from her work area and began reconstructing her masterpiece of a sandwich. “Let’s see…I put the meat first, then the cheese and lettuce…”

A chuckle escaped my lips and I decided that it wouldn’t kill to take a stroll around the building for a while. It’s not like I have seven documents sitting on my desktop for me to look over…
“What are you doing here?” an icy tone addressed me from behind and without turning, I already knew who it was.

“I didn’t know that you were the type to hide in the bathroom to escape work,” I paused as the man behind me caught up to my side. “Rivaille.”

“Better than idiots like you who do it out in the open. I clearly remember sending you some documents to look over last night, where do you think you’re going here?”

“I got a boo-boo!” I exclaimed and held up my bandaged finger with a playful pout. “Will you kiss it better?”

Casually, he swept his head to survey our surroundings and after making sure that it was all right, he brought my index finger closer and closer to his lips until I could feel the warm puffs of his breath behind the plastic walls of my Band-Aid. His steely gaze flicked up to my lips and I was yanked towards his chest in a whir.

He temporarily forgot my injury as it was lazily slung across his shoulder while his hands roamed around my waist and mid-back as our lips were engaged in a heated kiss. Rivaille was relentless, not stopping for a single breath until my back was pressed against the cool material of the wall. Over and over, his kisses were demanding and hungry.

“Who sent you those other flowers?” He forced out as I pushed away to recollect myself.

“Wouldn’t…you…like to…know?” I playfully teased between breaths. He was clearly displeased by my lame attempt at humor as he held me closer to him, his grip possessive.

“You know who it is, don’t you?”

“I might have an idea.” I mumbled against his shirt collar and nuzzled closer to him as I took in his scent.

“Why won’t you tell me then?” His fingers impatiently drummed against my back in a steady rhythm as he waited for my answer.

“I can’t tell you yet because I’m not so sure of myself ei-“

I paused as some voices could be heard rounding from the corner near us. Rivaille angrily growled and slammed his mouth against mine in a quick kiss before he shoved me away and walked the opposite direction from the voices with me trailing behind.

The two of us wandered aimlessly around for a while, much to my surprise, as he didn’t drag me back to the office the moment we parted. He wasn’t in the mood for talking as his eyes were fixated on the path in front of us and he didn’t do much to acknowledge my presence. However, I found my hands getting sweaty and my throat felt parched despite the large bottle of water that I had drank a while earlier. Walking next to him always made me feel nervous and even lightheaded at times as my mind went into autopilot and I’m only barely walking on my own two feet.

“Care to enlighten me on what you’re doing?” Rivaille finally asked after I jumped away from a garbage bin for about the fifth time.

“Trying not to kill myself.” I responded as I warily eyed the demonic circular container. I nearly crashed right into one again while thinking about a certain neat freak. “It’s nerve-racking, you know. Walking next to you.”

He hummed, amused as he asked me why.

“Well you almost never say anything so the silence is so empty that I just have a lot of time to think and your hand is always so close I feel like you’re going to hold my hand but you don’t! Then sometimes you would randomly decide it’s a good time to take my hand out of the blue! Not to mention all of those other times when you pause and casually kiss my cheek as if it was nothing then keep on walking ahead. You’re so unpredictable sometimes, it’s frustrating!” I half explained and half shouted at him. “You don’t know how exasperating it is to walk next to the person you like everyday…”

“So you don’t like it when I kiss you?”

“I never said that!”

“Do you want me to stop kissing you from now on?”


Rivaille, seeming satisfied with my answers, walked on ahead after he gave my head a nonchalant pat.
The office was as lively as ever when I finally decided to go back. Petra wailed like a banshee while Eren pulled me inside asking me whether I was all right or not.

“You left for nearly an hour! Petra thought you died of blood loss somewhere…”

I laughed and assured him that I was fine.

“Okay, okay, you’ve found the brat. Now will you calm down and do your work?” Across from Eren, Auruo snapped at us.

“You can’t call her that!” Eren corrected. “Only Mr. Rivaille is allowed to call us brats!”

“Why you…I’ll have you know that if it weren’t for me five years ago when the company was being threatened to shut down, you brats wouldn’t even be sitting here right-ack!” During his proud boasting session, Auruo had stopped himself by biting his tongue as always.

“Hey Auruo, do you need a band-aid?” I joked as I offered him my index finger.

Petra rolled her eyes and walked back to her desk, muttering to herself about how this is “just the usual idiot Auruo.” The guy was now sprawled over his desk while Gunther occasionally glanced at his deadly gurgling and distastefully clicked his tongue. Him and Erd usually ignored our affairs on the other side of the room and did their own thing. Smart of them to ignore the crazies.

Rivaille burst out of his office with his arms full of report covers and important documents. I watched him without a blink as he crossed the place and slightly frowned behind Auruo’s seat. His eyes momentarily shot up to mine before he left as my cheeks tinted red.

“(Name)?” Eren playfully addressed me.


“Do you secretly have a crush on Mr. Rivaille?”

Eren’s sudden question caught me off guard as I choked on my own spit and violently coughed while Petra rolled her chair over to us as if she sensed some delicious rumors coming to life.

“Aha! So you do!” The brunette declared and Petra quietly listened on with eager eyes.

“Jaeger, I dare you to ask me that again.” I threatened and dangerously gripped my newly sharpened pencil in my hand.

“Do you…do you have a crush on Mr. Rivaille?”

“Do I look like I would? His heart is as dark as the color of his hair!” I shot back and felt relieved that Rivaille wasn’t in at the moment to hear what I said.

“But you were staring at him while he was walking!” Eren argued.

“And he always asks for you in the office!” Petra added and I slowly inched away from the two.

“One, I was just curious about what he was doing with all those papers in his hands. Two, he can’t get through the day without lecturing me about my shitty performance at work. End of story.”

The two still didn’t seem to believe me as the glanced at each other before scooting in till their armrests were touching mine on either side.

“We don’t believe you.”
“Woah! Look at the time, I guess it’s time for lu-“ I stood up just to get slammed back into my seat quickly after. “Look guys, I really don’t have a thing for that crazy dirt-obsessed jerk.”

“You’re a really bad liar (Name).”

“Well maybe you’re just a bad believer, Eren.” I snapped.

The two of them would’ve questioned me further if it weren’t for the muffled shouts of Sasha out in the hallway.

“Wait! You can’t run in like that! Waiiiiiiit!”


The door to our office slams against the wall and a guy, dressed in a neatly pressed black suit, stood with his hands on his knees as he huffed and sharply exhaled.

“Um, sir how can I help you?” Petra shakily asked and stood up to see if he was all right.

His head snapped up and he searched the room until his gaze landed on me.

“(f/n) (l/n)!” He called out.

“Oh. Shit.” I cursed as I realized just who he was. There’s no mistaking it from those large gold eyes. But the hair…

“Psst, you know who he is (Name)?” Eren whispered and I nodded.

“I would like you to be my girlfriend again!” He confessed as he slowly walked towards me. “I know that our relationship in college was a bit strained but I’ve matured! I’ve grown into a better man so I would like you to please accept me!”


“I’ve become successful (Name). I’ve changed! I have my own business now! You know the famous cream puff chain store, Springer’s Puffs? I own that! I wanted to show you that I’m different from who I was before!”

From the doorway, Sasha squeaked as she crushed the package of Pocky in her hand. I knew that she was a fan of the shop.

The man stopped talking as he waited for my response.

“Well Connie, first of all, what the hell happened to your hair?” I gestured to his shiny head without a hair in sight. In my memories, I vaguely remembered the punkish brown Mohawk that he had sported in our college days. Don’t ask me why I was into that. It was a phase that I’m long done and over with.

“I decided to start by changing my appearance first and nothing’s better than starting anew by shaving all your hair off!”

“Okay…Um, how did you find out that I work here?”

His jabbed his thumb towards Sasha.

“We’ve been talking.”

“I see.” I glared at Sasha and mouthed the words “free food” at me. The rest of my coworkers just stared at the stranger in a daze while Eren and Petra anxiously awaited my next answer.

“Did you like the flowers that I sent you?” He asked as he observed my desk. “Oh yeah, these!” He exclaimed as he pointed at the clump of pink flowers.

“Yes they were very nice but…I’m sorry Connie. I can’t go out with you.”

“What? Why?” The disappointment in his tone hurt a little and I felt just a bit guilty but I was determined to turn him down. For some reason, the images of Ravioli and Pasta waiting for me behind Rivaille’s door were stuck in my mind.

“Because…because I already have a boyfriend.” I announced as I shut my eyes.

Now it was Eren’s turn to shout, “oh shit.”

Somebody cleared their throat and I opened my eyes to see Rivaille leaning against the wall and damn did he look mad. His arms were crossed against his chest but I could tell that he was holding his anger in as his nails were clenched tightly against the sleeves of his white shirt.

“Excuse me, but you idiots have got to be shitting me if you think I’m going to pay you for standing around and arguing about cream puffs.”

“Sir, we’re not arguing about-“ Eren was cut off by Rivaille’s sharp glare.

“Shut up brat. All of you shitheads get back to work and sir, if you could please leave before I call security.”

Connie nodded and shuffled towards Sasha but not before shouting an “I will be back!” to announce his departure.

“You.” Rivaille smacked the top of my head and he didn’t bother to be gentle about it either. “My office.”

Petra and Eren gave me sympathetic looks and I guess I was off the hook from them for a while.

Rivaille’s office was pretty dark as all of the blinds were shut and the door blocked the remaining light. He flicked the lights on as the room became bright once more.

“That was the guy who sent you those flowers.” It was not a question but rather a statement from his tone. “And you’ve dated him in…college?”


He placed his hand over my head, where he had smacked me just moments ago, and bent down to press his lips on my cheek.

“You’re mine now.”

“I know.”

His index finger travels below my chin and tilts it up as he met my stare. A troubled sigh escaped his lips and I blinked.

“Is something wrong?”

Slowly, he removed his finger and stepped away from he as he turned to his desk.

“Can you not look at me so…innocently? It’s…” His hands balled up into fists for a split second. “Frustrating.”

I bit my lip as I bravely caught up to him and snaked my arms around him to hug him from behind.

“Oh? Frustrating?” I sang out as I laid my cheek against his back, relishing his warmth. “I’m sorry, do you want me to make it up to you in some way?” I asked as I twisted the end of his necktie around my fingers.

“Of course. Since you offered so nicely,” He spun me around and sat me atop his desk. “I’ll let you choose how you want to repay me.”
Wooh, I finally got this done~ Hehehe it was really interesting to read what you guys had in mind as to who the 'secret admirer' was XD Honestly, I've had this person in mind since chapter two and for some reason the image of him with a green mohawk stuck in my mind so you could see where I got that idea from lol. I think it's from some fanart I saw before.

Anyways, I wanna thank you guys who always faves or comments on these but I feel bad because I can't always reply to all of them..:iconritsupinappleplz:

(I feel like I abuse Auruo and Eren the most in this story..kekeke...)

Okay, onto something more or less important: the smut XD As you can see, I've kinda transitioned into it so yes, the bonus will be the next chapter and weirdly, I'm kinda excited to write it since it's to me >///< Though the ending of this chapter really changed. I originally had something different in mind but this way seems a lot more fun to me ^^" I hope that you guys liked it too. Now I guess I'm still a bit conflicted as to whether I should post it here or on FF...sigh...but if it is on FF then you guys will have to check back periodically for it because I won't make an announcement as to when the bonus is out! (I mean, how awkward would it be to make a journal specifically to announce that the smut is out???)  I'll try to write it sometime this week so check back for it! Sorry for the long description guys~

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